We aim to be generous in the way that we share and use the centre. We are very thankful for everything that God has given us and seek to share this with our neighbours throughout our community and beyond.
We currently show this in a number of ways; we seek to be generous with our time when talking to people and serving them in the café. Financially we offer discounts for charities, and at a very basic level we are happy for anyone to use the toilets irrespective of whether they are part of an activity or not.
We seek to be open in everything we do and for the Centre to accessible and welcoming to all. In this way we reflect Jesus’ invitation to all people, whatever their background, to come to him.
The construction of the building aims to make us transparent and approachable and we are currently exploring what else we can do to improve the ease with which people with different needs can make use of the Centre.
We want to be a place that is responsive to peoples’ needs and is a safe and trustworthy space for them to come to. By basing our approach on the way Jesus cares for us we challenge the prevailing self-centred culture and show an alternative way of living.
Many of the activities that happen in the Centre are aimed at supporting people within our community through initiatives such as volunteering in the café, Job Club, Memory Notes and the Opportunity Playgroup.
We seek to serve and develop our community by providing a high quality space for people to meet and talk together, to use the various facilities and to serve them by providing the support and resources that they need.
By supporting and enabling a wide and diverse range of different events and activities we hope to strengthen the ties that hold our community together.
Prayer is a fundamental underpinning of everything that we do in the Centre and is a significant part of the life of the Centre. We give thanks to God for the way he has been so generous in the creation of the new Saint Andrew’s Centre and we continue to pray for the ongoing activities at the centre.
There is a box in the café for prayer requests from visitors.